Pasta, an healthy dish

Main Course
  Spaghetti with olives and capers
   (Spaghetti con olive e capperi)
  Ingredients (for four people):
  • 400 hectograms of spaghetti, ( 1 pound)
  • six table-spoons of olive oil, 
  • six hectograms of tomato pulp, ( 1 and 1/2 Pound)
  • 26 salted capers, 
  • salt, 
  • garlic, 
  • 200 hectograms ( 7 oz) of Gaeta's olives. If in your country this kind of olives doesen't exist, you could use black salty olives . 

In a pot brown the garlic with olive oil, then add tomato, stone the olives and put them in the sauce, add the capers, just a little salt, because the capers are salty, lower the flame and cook until the souce is thick . In another pot put plenty of water with salt and when it boils add the spaghetti, cook them for about six minutes (read the instructions on the spaghetti box for the cook-time if you aren't sure), drain the spaghetti and season with the sauce. Have a good meal !!!